Manos amigas y corazones agradecidos.

Greensboro, Carolina del Norte
We're an intergenerational church that loves serving the Lord!

We are hard at work feeding the homeless and sharing the story of Jesus with Moriah Church and 16 Cents Ministry under the bridge, planning movie and fun activities for our youth, praising God for His goodness during our Christmas Eve service and Advent season, and welcoming guests and amazing musical groups. We thank God for it all!
United Women in Faith Celebrates at The Room at the Inn

United Women In Faith
United Women In Faith volunteered with Backpack Beginnings again this year to sort food items in preparation for families in need. Great fellowship! Your continued support is needed for food insecure children and their families. It's hard to learn when you're hungry! www.backpackbeginnings.org

Packing Food for Backpack Beginnings, Inc.

United Methodist Women Host Baby Shower
The United Methodist Women hosted a baby shower at Room At the Inn, an organization that provides shelter and education for pregnant, homeless women. It was a blessing to be with these wonderful women. The UMW brought cases of diapers and wipes, clothing and other baby items to help these mothers and babies have a good start. We were grateful to the staff and Madeline and her family for their assistance, too.
Worship Under The Bridge
Thank you, Moriah and Holmes Grove for being in God's service. We worshipped God and fed the homeless with 16 Cents Ministry under the Spring Garden Street bridge. This is what God's love is all about! Even the children helped out. "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me..." Matthew 25:35-38.
Regalar caja de comida
¡Gracias a Outreach, UM Men y fideicomisarios por ser las manos y los pies de Cristo con la comida que regalamos! ¡Volveremos a las 5:00 el próximo viernes y todos los viernes de mayo!